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Enabling Climate-Informed Planning and Decisions about Species of Conservation Concern in the North Central Region: Phase 1

A North Central CSC Directed Funding FY2017 Project
Principal Investigator
Molly Cross


Start Date
End Date
Release Date


The goal of this project was to identify climate-related scientific information needs in the North Central region that will support the management of key species and help avoid species declines. Researchers worked closely with state fish and wildlife agencies, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, tribes, and other relevant natural resource management and conservation agencies to identify priority information needs and to design and implement studies that will address these needs. Researchers identified stakeholders, including those engaged by the North Central Climate Science Center USGS Liaisons project. Researchers worked with stakeholders to identify priority conservation targets. Selected targets were those that are of high priority [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Molly Cross
Funding Agency :
North Central CSC
Co-Investigator :
Shelley Crausbay
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program

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“Yellowstone River Valley, WY - Credit: Neal Herbert, NPS”
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The primary objective of this project is to support state and other efforts to avoid species declines by providing climate-related scientific information about high priority species or their habitat. We will achieve this by helping the North Central Climate Science Center consult with state fish and wildlife agencies, US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) departments, and other relevant natural resource management agencies to: (1) identify regional priorities for information needed to support decision making, and (2) work with managers to design and implement scientific or other studies needed to inform such decisions.

Project Extension

typeTechnical Summary
valueThe primary objective of this project is to support state and other efforts to avoid species declines by providing climate-related scientific information about high priority species or their habitat. We will achieve this by helping the North Central Climate Science Center (NC-CSC) consult with state fish and wildlife agencies, US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) departments, and other relevant natural resource management agencies to: 1) identify regional priorities for information needed to support decision making, and 2) work with managers to design and implement scientific or other studies needed to inform such decisions.

Budget Extension

typeAward Type
valueCooperative Agreement
typeAward Number

Additional Information


Type Scheme Key
RegistrationUUID NCCWSC a493748d-71f0-4b2b-9546-a9727d978826
StampID NCCWSC NC17-CM1231

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