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Do life history traits influence patterns of maternal immune elements in New World blackbirds (Icteridae) data release


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Fassbinder-Orth, C.A., Igl, L.D., Hahn, D.C., Watts, K.M. Wilcoxen, T.E., and Ramos-Álvarez, K.R., 2018, Do life history traits influence patterns of maternal immune elements in New World blackbirds (Icteridae) data release: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This metadata record represents passive immunity components of six songbird species (Passeriformes) in a single taxonomic family, the New World blackbirds (Icteridae). Six immune elements were compared among blackbird eggs collected in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Puerto Rico, including immunoglobulins (Ig) in both yolk and albumen, lipopolysaccharide-specific immunoglobulins in both yolk and albumen, and ovotransferrin and lysozyme in albumen. The data were summarized and used in the analysis for a peer-reviewed journal publication entitled: "Do life history traits influence patterns of maternal immune elements in New World blackbirds (Icteridae)?" The data consist of two data sets. The first data set includes day, year, and location [...]


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We measured six maternal immune components in eggs of six species from this single taxonomic group, including: (1) immunoglobulin in albumen (IgA), (2) immunoglobulin in yolk (IgY), (3) LPS-specific immunoglobulin in albumen, (4) LPS-specific immunoglobulin in yolk; (5) ovotransferrin; and (6) lysozyme. We evaluated how the differences we observed in immune components in eggs of different species may be related to divergence in life-history traits and ecological niches.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F7WQ02Q5

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