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Imaging spectrometer reflectance data for Nabesna, Alaska



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Kokaly, R.F., Johnson, M.R., Graham, G.E., Hoefen, T.M, Kelley, K.D., and Hubbard, B.E., 2018, Imaging spectrometer reflectance data, mineral predominance map, and white mica wavelength position map, Nabesna Quadrangle, Alaska (ver. 1.1, October 2018): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Approximately 1,900 line square kilometers of imagery were collected using a HyMap™ sensor (Cocks and others, 1998) mounted on a modified Piper Navajo aircraft. The aircraft was flown at an altitude of approximately 5,050 m (3,480 m above the mean ground surface elevation of 1570 m) resulting in average ground spatial resolution of 6.7 m. Solar elevation and azimuth angles ranged from 42.0-48.3° (average 46.2°) and 134.2-182.4° (average 155°), respectively. HyMap measured reflected sunlight in 126 narrow channels that cover the wavelength region of 455 to 2,483 nm. Data were delivered by the operators of the sensor (HyVista Corp., Australia) in units of radiance (data are available in Kokaly and others, 2017). Radiance data were [...]


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The imaging spectrometer data were collected and processed as one component of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) mineral resource project with the goals of enhancing geologic mapping and developing methods to identify and characterize mineral deposits elsewhere in Alaska. Hyperspectral surveying is one method that can be used to rapidly acquire information about the distributions of surficial materials, including different types of bedrock and ground cover.

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