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Fact sheets for Foundational Science Area: Helping People and Nature Adapt to Climate Change in the North Central U.S.


McNeeley, S.M., Knapp, C., Even, T., Gioia, J., and Nave, J., 2017. Colorado Bureau of Land Management: Social Climate Vulnerability Assessment, Fact Sheet. North Central Climate Science Center, Fort Collins, CO.


As part of a broader effort to increase the ability of federal agencies to understand and adapt to changes in climate variability and hazard profiles, the Colorado Bureau of Land Management has commissioned an on-going research effort to gather and analyze information on the potential climate-related vulnerabilities of the numerous communities and businesses that rely upon the state’s 8.4 million acres of BLM-managed public lands. In addition to a comprensive final report (Colorado Bureau of Land Management: Social Climate Vulnerability Assessment), the project team has produced three short, easy to read "Fact Sheets" aimed at providing a concise view of each of the project's components and their major findings.


Attached Files

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Spatial-Indicators_Fact-Sheet_COBLM.pdf 2.34 MB application/pdf
Case-Studies_Fact-Sheet_COBLM.pdf 535.93 KB application/pdf
BLM-Document-Review_Fact-Sheet_COBLM.pdf 559.34 KB application/pdf


  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • North Central CASC

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