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Publication: Comparative riverscape genetics reveals reservoirs of genetic diversity for conservation and restoration of Great Plains fishes


Publication Date
2014-11-15 06:00:00
Start Date
2014-11-15 06:00:00
End Date
2014-11-15 06:00:00


Megan J. Osborne(Author), Joshuah S. Perkin(Author), Keith B. Gido(Author), Thomas F. Turner(Author), 2014-11-15(Publication), Publication: Comparative riverscape genetics reveals reservoirs of genetic diversity for conservation and restoration of Great Plains fishes,


We used comparative landscape genetics to examine the relative roles of historical events, intrinsic traits and landscape factors in determining the distribution of genetic diversity of river fishes across the North American Great Plains. Spatial patterns of diversity were overlaid on a patch-based graphical model and then compared within and among three species that co-occurred across five Great Plains watersheds. Species differing in reproductive strategy (benthic vs. pelagic-spawning) were hypothesized to have different patterns of genetic diversity, but the overriding factor shaping contemporary patterns of diversity was the signature of past climates and geological history. Allelic diversity was significantly higher at southern [...]


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Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Distributor)


In this study, we characterized the relative roles of geological and landscape factors in shaping diversity across species with different life-history strategies. We quantified genetic diversity at microsatellite loci for three co-occurring Great Plains river fishes within and among five major tributary basins of the Great Plains. Two of three target species are members of a reproductive guild of pelagic-spawning fishes (eggs and larvae drift in the water column) that are highly sensitive to fragmentation and dewatering because of downstream displacement of propagules. The other species is a physiologically tolerant and abundant fish that employs benthic spawning (deposits eggs in or on substrate). If, despite their ecological differences, all three species exhibit similar patterns of genetic diversity across watersheds, we can infer a strong role for historical factors or similar response to landscape modification that have uniformly acted upon the riverine fish assemblage. Alternatively, species with differing ecological traits may respond differently to these factors. As such, a comparative demographic and population genetic approach, where multiple, codistributed species are studied, may establish whether general or species-specific patterns best describe overall diversity and improve our understanding of where and when reintroductions are likely to be successful in the Great Plains and other systems.

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info:doi/ info:doi/ 10.1111/mec.12970

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editionVol 23, Issue 23
journalMolecular Ecology
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