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Determination of water transparency depth in Caño Boquerón, Cabo Rojo and Puerto Mosquito, Isla de Vieques; Puerto Rico, July 2015 - July 2016


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Gómez-Fragoso, J.M., and Santiago-Saez, J.A., 2018, Determination of water transparency depth in Caño Boquerón, Cabo Rojo and Puerto Mosquito, Isla de Vieques; Puerto Rico, July 2015 - July 2016: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


A secchi disk is used to estimate the water transparency depth of surface-water bodies. Secchi disk depth was measured monthly at Caño Boquerón, Cabo Rojo, and Puerto Mosquito, Isla de Vieques; Puerto Rico for the period from July 2015 to July 2016. This data release is part of a limnological analysis at Caño Boquerón and Puerto Mosquito to assess the principal factors affecting the hydrology and water-quality conditions. In addition, the study provides baseline information to regulatory agencies responsible for the management and conservation of coastal waters in Puerto Rico. The investigation focused on Caño Boquerón, and Puerto Mosquito surface-water bodies, representing disturbed and undisturbed conditions, respectively.


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Water transparency is used to define the euphotic zone, which extends in the water column from the surface to the depth of sunlight penetration, and can be affected by natural(rainfall, runoff, decomposing organic material, and eroded rocks) or manmade (pollution loading) conditions. The typical instrument used to measure water transparency is the Secchi disk. See references: (1) Soler-López, L.R., Santos, C.R., 2010, Selected Hydrologic, Water-Quality, Biological, and Sedimentation Characteristics of Laguna Grande, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, March 2007-February 2009: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5071, 51p., and (2) Thomaz, S.M., Enrich-Prast, A., Goncalves Jr., J.F, Dos Santos, A.M., and Esteves, F. A., 2001, Metabolism and Gaseous Exchanges in Two Coastal Lagoons from the Río de Janeiro with Distinct Limnological Characteristics. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, Vol. 44, N4: pp. 433-438, December 2001, ISSN 1516-8913) for further details.



  • USGS Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center



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