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Appendices for Transgressive-Regressive Cycles in the Metalliferous, Oil Shale-bearing Heath Formation (Upper Mississippian), Central Montana


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Julie A. Dumoulin (ORCID: 0000-0003-1754-1287), Craig A. Johnson (ORCID: 0000-0002-1334-2996), Karen D. Kelley (ORCID: 0000-0002-3232-5809), Palma Jarboe (ORCID: 0000-0001-7140-0915), Paul Hackley (ORCID: 0000-0002-5957-2551), Clint Scott (ORCID: 0000-0003-2778-2711), and John F. Slack (ORCID: 0000-0001-6600-3130), 2017, Appendices for Transgressive-Regressive Cycles in the Metalliferous, Oil Shale-bearing Heath Formation (Upper Mississippian), Central Montana: U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center,,


This set of data files are the appendices for paper titled Transgressive-regressive cycles in the metalliferous, oil shale-bearing Heath Formation (Upper Mississippian), central Montana. The dataset consists of 8 appendices, including a histogram of solid bitumen and vitrinite Ro values, gas chromatograms, isotopic data, organic and inorganic geochemical analyses, and x-ray diffraction mineralogy data.


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

HeathFormation_Montana_metadata.html 246.79 KB text/html
Appendix_1.pdf 14.68 KB application/pdf
Appendix_2.pdf 86.48 KB application/pdf
Appendix_3.pdf 467.28 KB application/pdf
Appendix_7.pdf 29.04 KB application/pdf
Appendix_8.pdf 32.23 KB application/pdf
Appendix_4.csv 44.32 KB text/csv
Appendix_5_1.csv 627 Bytes text/csv
Appendix_5_2.csv 1.02 KB text/csv
Appendix_5_3.csv 536 Bytes text/csv
Appendix_5_4.csv 467 Bytes text/csv
Appendix_6_1.csv 3.14 KB text/csv
Appendix_6_2.csv 256.75 KB text/csv
Appendix_9.csv 627 Bytes text/csv
Read_Me.txt 1.31 KB text/plain


This data was collected, analyzed, and interpreted in order to improve the understanding of the depositional setting of the Heath Formation, which is known for containing mudrocks highly enriched in zinc, vanadium, molybedenum, nickel, and other metals, and source rocks for oil.

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