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Preliminary Derivative Geologic Materials Map of the Fairbanks Mining District, Alaska


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2014-05-22 11:36:00


Combellick, R.A., and Bundtzen, T.K., 1996, Preliminary Derivative Geologic Materials Map of the Fairbanks Mining District, Alaska: State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys,


This map illustrates potential near-surface sources of geologic materials that may be useful for construction and other purposes. Field observations indicate that each geologic unit (for example, flood-plain alluvium) has a definite composition or range of composition. Therefore, the presence of material type is interpreted from the distribution of geologic units (Newberry and others, 1996 - PDF96-16). Assignment of Unified Soil Classes (Wagner, 1957) is based on visual observation and interpretation of the likely distribution of the materials; no grain-size analyses were performed. Descriptions of unconsolidated deposits are modified from Pewe and Bel (1975a-d) and Pewe and Bell (1976). This map is generalized and is not intended [...]


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The purpose is to indicate areas where there is a high likelihood of finding the desired geologic materials. Local variations are common, especially near unit boundaries. Precise economic evaluation of specific localities as sources of desired geologic materials will require detailed examination of each deposit, including areal extent, volume, grain-size variation, thickness of overburden, thermal state of the ground, depth to ground water, access, demand, and land ownership.

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