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Groundwater Usage for Public Supply by County in the Glaciated Conterminous United States


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Yager, R.M., Kauffman, L.J., Buchwald, C.A., Westenbroek, S.M., and Reddy, J.E., 2018, Digital products from a hydrogeologic framework for Quaternary sediments within the glaciated conterminous United States: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The Groundwater Usage for Public Supply dataset contains attributes pertaining to groundwater use in the glaciated conterminous United States summarized by county. The attributes were computed from total groundwater usage by county compiled by Maupin and others (2010), and from inventories of water-use records for 71,267 public water-supply systems by Buchwald and others (in press). Source aquifers (Quaternary sediments or bedrock) were assigned for the public water-supply systems based on reported data (e.g., well construction records, aquifer delineation maps), or based on well depth and the Quaternary sediment thickness. Water usage rates are reported on an average annual, areal basis in units of millimeters per year, to facilitate [...]


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

1.83 MB application/x-7z-compressed
Fig. 23a - TotalAnnualWithdrawals.pdf
“Annual withdrawals”
3.98 MB application/pdf
Fig. 23b - PublicSupplyAnnualWithdrawals.pdf
“Public supply”
3.97 MB application/pdf
Fig. 23c - PercentGlacialWithdrawal.pdf
“Percentage Quaternary”
3.97 MB application/pdf
Fig. 24 - Ratio of GW withdrawal to recharge.pdf
“Recharge ratio”
3.86 MB application/pdf


The Groundwater Usage for Public Supply dataset presents maps of groundwater usage in the glaciated conterminous United States, including: a) average annual groundwater withdrawals in 2010, b) average annual public-supply withdrawals in 2010, c) percentage of public-supply withdrawals from Quaternary sediments, and d) annual groundwater withdrawals in 2010 as a percent of recharge.

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