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Marine Ecology near Tufted Puffin Colonies across the Aleutian Archipelago and Alaska Peninsula, 2012-2014


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Schoen, S.K., Heflin, B., Piatt, J.F., Arimitsu, M.L., Drew, G.S., Douglas, D.C., and Renner, M., 2018, Marine ecology near Tufted Puffin colonies across the Aleutian Archipelago and Alaska Peninsula, 2012-2014: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data package includes 6 child items with data pertaining to Tufted Puffin productivity, chick productivity, oceanographic conditions, environmental conditions, and hydroacoustic characteristics at Tufted Puffin colonies on the Aleutian Islands and Alaska Peninsula. Child Item 1: "Oceanographic Conditions (Temperature and Salinity), North Pacific and Bering Sea 2012-2014". Child Item 2: "Marine Bird and Mammal Surveys, North Pacific and Bering Sea 2012-2014". Child Item 3: "Tufted Puffin Colony Environmental Data, North Pacific and Bering Sea, 2012-2014". Child Item 4: "Hydroacoustic Surveys, North Pacific and Bering Sea, 2012 and 2014". Child Item 5: "Tufted Puffin Chick Body Conditions, North Pacific and Bering Sea, 2012-2014". [...]

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The purpose of these data are to document oceanographic and environmental conditions in relation to Tufted Puffin colonies in the North Pacific and Bering Sea, 2012-2014. Additionally, these data document Tufted Puffin productivity and chick health.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F7TQ60GV

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