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Pedestrian evacuation times for residents on the island of O'ahu, Hawai'i, for standard and extreme tsunami evacuation zones by community, modeled at three travel speeds (impaired, slow, and fast walk)


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Jones, J.L., Peters, J., and Wood, N.J., 2018, Pedestrian tsunami evacuation results for two tsunami-evacuation zones (standard and extreme) and three travel speeds (impaired, slow, and fast walk) for O'ahu, HI: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset contains O'ahu resident count estimates as a function of travel time out of the standard and extreme tsunami-evacuation zones for three different travel speeds (impaired, slow, and fast walk). The data are organized in a manner which permits summarizing or visualizing the data by tsunami-evacuation zone and/or travel time, with communities listed across the top as columns and individual rows representing the number of residents present in the specific evacuation zone/travel time combination. Due to the nature of the methodology used to distribute residential population to structures, resident numbers are not integers. This dataset is intended for use in the U.S. Geological Survey's O'ahu, HI tsunami evacuation web page [...]


Point of Contact :
Jamie L Jones
Originator :
Jamie L Jones, Jeff Peters, Nathan J Wood
Metadata Contact :
Jamie L Jones
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

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Oahu_Residents_forRelease.csv 63.99 KB text/csv


The communities of O'ahu, HI are threatened by distant tsunamis from earthquake sources from around the Pacific Ocean basin. Tabulated population counts as a function of travel time out of tsunami-evacuation zones can be used by emergency managers and community planners to identify where to focus evacuation training and hazard education.


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