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Concentrations of Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals, Organic Waste Indicators, and Volatile Organic Chemical Contaminants and Their Predicted Effects Potential in Wadeable Southeastern USA Streams


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Romanok, K.M., Bradley, P.M., and Journey, C.A., 2018, Concentrations of Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals, Organic Waste Indicators, and Volatile Organic Chemical Contaminants and Their Predicted Effects Potential in Wadeable Southeastern USA Streams: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset presents the results of 475 unique organic compounds collected from 54 wadeable streams within the Southeastern, USA, collected within 10 weeks during 2014. Maximum and median exposure conditions were evaluated in relation to watershed characteristics and for potential biological effects. This dataset contains the summary statistics (maximum and median concentrations)of detected compounds, as well as a summary of quality-assurance (blanks and replicates) samples. Also included are the statistical summaries as related to analyte specific contaminant detection/concentration data and site-specific land-use matrices, spearman-rank correlations, and ToxCast evaluations.


Point of Contact :
Paul M Bradley
Originator :
Kristin M Romanok, Paul M Bradley, Celeste A Journey
Metadata Contact :
Kristin M Romanok
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
South Atlantic Water Science Center
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources

Attached Files

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SESQA_Table3c_QAreplicates.txt 13.63 KB text/plain
SESQA_Table4a_Detectionsummaries.txt 38.7 KB text/plain
SESQA_Table4b_DetectedCompoundSummary.txt 15.86 KB text/plain
SESQA_Table5a_MaxConcentrations.txt 60.34 KB text/plain
SESQA_Table5b_MaximumConcentrationSummary.txt 12.19 KB text/plain
SESQA_Table6a_MedianConcentrations.txt 35.97 KB text/plain
SESQA_Table6b_MedianConcentrationSummary.txt 10.16 KB text/plain
SESQA_Table7a_SummaryStatistics_ANOSIM.txt 691 Bytes text/plain
SESQA_Table7b_SummaryStatistics_RELATE.txt 992 Bytes text/plain
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SESQA_Table9_GISSummary.txt 1.34 KB text/plain
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SESQA_Table12_EARzebrafishMaximums.txt 11.97 KB text/plain
SESQA_Table13_EARmedians.txt 22.01 KB text/plain
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SESQA_Table15_ALBenchmarksMaximum.txt 3.01 KB text/plain
SESQA_Table16_SpearmanEcoSummary.txt 1.11 KB text/plain
SESQA_Table17_SpearmanPlecoSummary.txt 1.89 KB text/plain


These data were collected to to help better understand the complex chemical mixtures, that have been identified in large-order streams, in small-order, wadeable streams.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9HRZVQ5

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