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Data for forecasting buffelgrass distribution with global distribution data, local data, and physiological information


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Jarnevich, C.S., and Young, N.E., 2018, Data for forecasting buffelgrass distribution with global distribution data, local data, and physiological information: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data bundle contains some of the inputs, all of the processing instructions and all outputs from two VisTrails/SAHM workflows, one creating a global habitat suitability model for buffelgrass and another creating a habitat suitability model for buffelgrass in Saguaro National Park, AZ. The bundle documentation files are: 1) '_archive_bundle_metadata.xml' (this file) which contains FGDC metadata describing the archive bundle. 2) 'modelSelectionCV_MakeAbsPntsFilt100_2.csv' containing the field data used as inputs for the Saguaro National Park model. 3) '_archive_raster_inputs.csv' a list of the raster inputs that were used to generate these model results. These are not included in the archive bundle due to size constraints but are [...]


Point of Contact :
Catherine S Jarnevich
Originator :
Catherine S Jarnevich, Nicholas E Young
Metadata Contact :
Catherine S Jarnevich
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Fort Collins Science Center
USGS Mission Area :

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To provide efficient and complete documentation and reproducibility for species distribution model results.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9Y99UFF

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