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PAD-US 2.0 QA/QC Script Used in Data Processing


The Quality Assessment / Quality Control (QA/QC) Script includes a checklist of the conditions that must be met prior to PAD-US aggregation. The PAD-US development team uses a Python script to generate a QA/QC report based on the items on this checklist. Issues are flagged in reports to support additional review and formatting by data stewards or the PAD-US Team to ensure all PAD-US input files are in a common format to the extent possible. The QA/QC script is run each time a source file is submitted, supporting dialog with data stewards to address corrections as needed. The checklist is summarized below: QA/QC CHECKLIST FOR INPUTS TO PAD-US Check Projection and Geographic Coordinate System Check format and structure or checkout [...]

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The Quality Assessment / Quality Control (QA/QC) Script provides a summary of the input data for review and flags issues based on a checklist of the major standards that must be met prior to PAD-US aggregation.

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