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IRIS DMC Data Services Products: EMTF, The Magnetotelluric Transfer Functions


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Kelbert, A., Erofeeva, S., Trabant, C., Karstens, R., Van Fossen, M., Egbert, G. D., and Schultz, A., 2011, IRIS DMC Data Services Products: EMTF, The Magnetotelluric Transfer Functions: U.S. Geological Survey,


Magnetotelluric (MT) method is a branch of geophysics that employs very large-scale natural sources from the solar wind and lightning. Modern-day MT uses state-of-the-art instrumentation, data processing and analysis tools to provide valuable information about deep Earth structure, complimentary to that of seismic data. These days, MT data also serve as a primary resource for estimation of geomagnetically induced currents, hazardous to modern infrastructure. However, there is a real need to modernize deeply historic MT data formats to a common standard that is fully documented, platform-independent, extensible, and accessible to the broader community of geoscientists. In the past decade, we have led just such an effort. This work [...]


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The purpose of this database is to support archiving and sharing of community magnetotelluric transfer functions, both in the United States, and internationally.



  • Geologic Hazards Science Center



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