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A framework for identifying and characterising coral reef “oases” against a backdrop of degradation


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Guest, J. R., Edmunds, P.J., Gates, R.D., Ilsa B. Kuffner, I.B., Andersson, A.J., Barnes, B.B., Chollett, I., Courtney, T.A., Elahi, R., Gross, K., Lenz, E.A., Mitarai, S., Mumby, P.J., Nelson, H.R., Parker, B.A., Putnam, H.M., Rogers, C.S., Toth, L.T. (2018) “A Framework for Identifying and Characterising Coral Reef ‘Oases’ against a Backdrop of Degradation.” Journal of Applied Ecology. 2018;00:1–11.


Abstract Human activities have led to widespread ecological decline; however, the severity of degradation is spatially heterogeneous due to some locations resisting, escaping, or rebounding from disturbances. We developed a framework for identifying oases within coral reef regions using long‐term monitoring data. We calculated standardised estimates of coral cover (z‐scores) to distinguish sites that deviated positively from regional means. We also used the coefficient of variation (CV) of coral cover to quantify how oases varied temporally, and to distinguish among types of oases. We estimated “coral calcification capacity” (CCC), a measure of the coral community's ability to produce calcium carbonate structures and tested for an [...]


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Figure 3 - Maps showing four focal regions for this study.JPG
“Maps showing the four focal regions used for this study: (a) main Hawaiian Islan”
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Maps showing the four focal regions used for this study: (a) main Hawaiian Islan
Maps showing the four focal regions used for this study: (a) main Hawaiian Islan


  • John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis




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DOI 10.1111/1365-2664.13179

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noteGuest, J. R., Edmunds, P.J., Gates, R.D., Ilsa B. Kuffner, I.B., Andersson, A.J., Barnes, B.B., Chollett, I., Courtney, T.A., Elahi, R., Gross, K., Lenz, E.A., Mitarai, S., Mumby, P.J., Nelson, H.R., Parker, B.A., Putnam, H.M., Rogers, C.S., Toth, L.T. (2018) “A Framework for Identifying and Characterising Coral Reef ‘Oases’ against a Backdrop of Degradation.” Journal of Applied Ecology. 2018;00:1–11.

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