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Field portable X-ray fluorescence data for Hinkley and Water Valleys, San Bernardino County, California


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Groover, K.D., and Izbicki, J.A., 2018, Field portable X-ray fluorescence and associated quality control data for the western Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


These data were collected using field portable (handheld) X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) equipped with a 4-watt Ta/Au X-ray tube. Samples of surficial alluvium, rock, and archived core material from existing auger- or sonic-drilled monitoring wells in Hinkley Valley and the adjoining Water Valley, 140 kilometers (km) northeast of Los Angeles, California, were measured as part of an investigation of naturally-occurring and anthropogenic hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI), concentrations in local groundwater. Surficial alluvium samples were collected from small stream channels draining distinct geologic units, or from previously mapped river deposits, and generally consisted of silt, sand, and granules to small pebbles. Twigs and other detritus [...]


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Field portable X-ray fluorescence data for Hinkley and Water Valleys, San Bernardino County, California.csv 880.37 KB text/csv


These geochemical survey data and associated descriptive information for samples of alluvium, rock, and core material were used to help understand changes in groundwater chemistry as part of a local-scale study of naturally-occurring and anthropogenic Cr(VI). Data are sufficient for evaluating changes in the chemistry of alluvium and rock within Hinkley and Water Valleys for many trace elements, but some caution should be used when comparing these data to other types of geochemical data from different matrices or methods having different levels of accuracy and precision. The data may be used to derive maps, perform geospatial analyses, or to evaluate differences in local-scale geochemistry compared to regional or national geochemical databases. The information is intended to meet the needs of a wide community of users including State and Federal agencies, private industry, and the general public.



  • USGS California Water Science Center



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