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Final Report: Impacts of Tidal Road-Stream Crossings on Aquatic Organism Passage


2018-07-11 18:57:52
Last Update
2018-07-12 14:04:36
Start Date
2018-07-11 04:00:00


Scott Jackson(Principal Investigator), North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Point of Contact), North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative(funder), 2018-07-11(creation), 2018-07-12(lastUpdate), 2018-07-11(Acquisition), Final Report: Impacts of Tidal Road-Stream Crossings on Aquatic Organism Passage


Rivers and streams are highly vulnerable to fragmentation from roads due to their prevalence in the landscape. Road-stream crossings are far more numerous than other anthropogenic barriers such as dams; these crossing structures (culverts, bridges, fords, and tide gates) have been demonstrated to impede the passage of aquatic organisms. However, road-stream crossings vary widely in the extent to which they serve as a barrier. It is important to identify barrier severity to facilitate prioritization of restoration activities, since proactively addressing all structures is not feasible. In 2015 the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Collaborative (LCC) funded a project managed by the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Cooperative [...]


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In 2015 the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Collaborative (LCC) funded a project managed by the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Cooperative (NAACC) to develop a unified protocol for assessing aquatic road-stream crossings focusing on aquatic connectivity. The NAACC relied on rapid field-based assessments, which have been shown to be a useful tool for gathering information necessary for prioritization. However, the rapid assessment protocol developed from the NAACC initiative is not applicable to tidal crossings as it does not address two-directional flow, daily water depth fluctuations, or many of the species likely present in coastal habitats.


  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative

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