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PCCT measurements of stress and strain during direct shear tests of fine-grained sediment collected from Area C, Krishna-Godavari Basin during India's National Gas Hydrate Program, NGHP-02


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Jang, J., Dai, S., Yoneda, J., Waite, W.F., Collett T.S., and Kumar, P., 2018, Pressure core characterization tool measurements of compressibility, permeability, and shear strength of fine-grained sediment collected from Area C, Krishna-Godavari Basin, during India's National Gas Hydrate Program Expedition NGHP-02: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Understanding how effectively methane can be extracted from a gas hydrate reservoir requires knowing how compressible, permeable, and strong the overlying seal sediment is. This data release provides results for flow-through permeability, consolidation, and direct shear measurements made on fine-grained seal sediment from Site NGHP-02-08 offshore eastern India. The sediment was collected in a pressure core from the Krishna-Godavari Basin during the 2015 Indian National Gas Hydrate Program Expedition 2 (NGHP-02). Gas hydrate is a crystalline solid that forms naturally in the sediment of certain marine and permafrost environments where pressure is relatively high (equivalent to the pressure measured ~300 meters water depth or more) and [...]


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“Direct Shear Chamber (DSC) used for the obtaining the data in this data release.”
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The purpose of this dataset is to report the strains (horizontal and vertical) and the stress ratio (shear stress normalized by the effective vertical stress) for a series of direct shear tests made on the fine-grained seal sediment collected in pressure core NGHP-02-08-30P using the Direct Shear Chamber.

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