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The distribution and role of functional abundance in cross‐scale resilience


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Sundstrom, S. M., Angeler, D. G., Barichievy, C. , Eason, T. , Garmestani, A. , Gunderson, L. , Knutson, M. , Nash, K. L., Spanbauer, T. , Stow, C. and Allen, C. R. (2018), The distribution and role of functional abundance in cross‐scale resilience. Ecology. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1002/ecy.2508


The cross‐scale resilience model suggests that system level ecological resilience emerges from the distribution of species’ functions within and across the spatial and temporal scales of a system. It has provided a quantitative method for calculating the resilience of a given system, and so has been a valuable contribution to a largely qualitative field. As it is currently laid out, the model accounts for the spatial and temporal scales at which environmental resources and species are present and the functional roles species play, but does not inform us about how much resource is present, or how much function is provided. In short, it does not account for abundance in the distribution of species and their functional roles within and [...]


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Figure 1. Resilience emerges from an overlapping diversity of functions within a body mass aggregation, and a redundancy of functions across body mass aggregations..JPG
“Figure 1 from paper. see paper for details.”
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Figure 1 from paper. see paper for details.
Figure 1 from paper. see paper for details.


  • John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis




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DOI 10.1002/ecy.2508

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noteSundstrom, S. M., Angeler, D. G., Barichievy, C. , Eason, T. , Garmestani, A. , Gunderson, L. , Knutson, M. , Nash, K. L., Spanbauer, T. , Stow, C. and Allen, C. R. (2018), The distribution and role of functional abundance in cross‐scale resilience. Ecology. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1002/ecy.2508

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