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Lake Erie Ecological Investigations 1980-2000: Fish Health Evaluation


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Smith, S.B., Passino-Reader, D.R., Baumann, P.C., Nelson, S.R., and Hickey, J.T., 2018, Lake Erie Ecological Investigations 1980-2000: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This Fish Health Evaluation dataset, a conceptual subgroup of the Lake Erie Ecological Investigations (LEEI) dataset, focuses on the health of fish—primarily brown bullhead—sampled at Areas of Concern (AOCs) on Lake Erie, as measured by anomalies, tumors, biomarkers, and other heath indicators. The focus of the data in the Fish Health dataset is from the 1998-2000 study, which reevaluated fish health in comparison to data from various historical studies also in the dataset. All of the data from the 1998-2000 evaluation and the data used for comparison from historical studies are in the main FISH_HEALTH table; additional historical data, which presumably fell out of scope for comparison, is also in the OLDFISHDATA_NOTERIE table. The [...]


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ages99_00.csv 5.71 KB text/csv
ages1998.csv 2.02 KB text/csv
external_anomalies.csv 31.79 KB text/csv
fish_health.csv 1.05 MB text/csv
oldfishdata_noterie.csv 381.36 KB text/csv
vtg99_00.csv 6.11 KB text/csv
QAPP.pdf 123.86 MB application/pdf 1.96 MB application/zip 351.02 MB application/zip


Fish health, of primarily brown bullhead, was examined, in comparison to historical studies, to determine any changes in the health of the fish population, including anomalies, tumors, biomarkers, and other health indicators. The data collected as part of the LEEI evaluations have been used to ascertain whether remedial activities and contaminant reductions had been successful for AOCs on Lake Erie. In future work, the techniques established in the LEEI reevaluation can be used to monitor trends in the Lake Erie ecosystem over the long term. The LEEI dataset can serve as a foundational data source, when used in comparison to future data collections, for analyzing the long-term success or not of contaminant reductions and impacts.

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