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Lake Whitefish eggs collected in the western basin of Lake Erie, 2016-2018


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Amidon, Z.J., DeBruyne, R.L., Roseman, E.F., and Mayer, C.M., 2019, Lake Whitefish eggs collected in the western basin of Lake Erie, 2016-2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


To investigate the contemporary distribution of lake whitefish spawning and over-winter egg survival within western Lake Erie, potential spawning locations were sampled for eggs from 2016 to 2018. Eggs were collected using a 39-kg iron sled attached to a diaphragm pump towed for 2 - 5 minutes. The data describe the number, date of collection, and exact collection location of Lake Whitefish fish eggs collected in the western basin of Lake Erie from 2016-2018.


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Egg Data.csv 17.23 KB text/csv
Egg Site Locations.csv 3.63 KB text/csv


Degradation of lake whitefish spawning areas in the Detroit River, Maumee Bay, and western basin reefs and shoals has been identified as a contributing factor to Lake Erie’s population collapse in the 1950s. A recent increase in commercial fish harvest and catch of early-life history stages of lake whitefish in the western basin of Lake Erie provide evidence that lake whitefish are once again spawning in some of their historical spawning areas, however the extent of use is unknown. These data were collected to assess the current spawning areas of Lake Whitefish and monitor over-winter egg survival in the western basin of Lake Erie.



  • Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC)
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9K1OLQZ

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