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Petroleum geology data from Cenozoic rock samples in the eastern U.S. Gulf Coast collected 2014 to 2016


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Valentine, B.J., Elizalde, C., Enomoto, C.B., Hackley, P.C., Dulong, F.T., and Lohr, C.D., 2018, Petroleum geology data from Cenozoic rock samples in the eastern U.S. Gulf Coast collected 2014 to 2016: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The U.S. Geological Survey assessed undiscovered petroleum resources in the downdip Paleogene formations of the U.S. Gulf Coast in 2018. During the assessment new data and information were collected to evaluate thermal maturity, source rock character, and unconventional reservoir rock prospectivity for the Cenozoic-aged section in south Louisiana. Samples were analyzed using multiple analytical approaches, including programmed pyrolysis (Rock-Eval), Leco TOC, organic petrographic analysis including vitrinite reflectance (Ro, %), and X-ray diffraction mineralogy. Associated abstract publication: Valentine, B.J., Elizalde, C., Enomoto, C.B., Hackley, P.C., 2015, Organic petrology and geochemistry of Tertiary and Cretaceous strata in [...]


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The U.S. Geological Survey assessed undiscovered petroleum resources in the downdip Paleogene formations of the U.S. Gulf Coast in 2018. During the assessment new data and information were collected to evaluate thermal maturity, source rock character, and unconventional reservoir rock prospectivity for the Cenozoic-aged section in south Louisiana. Samples were analyzed using multiple analytical approaches, including programmed pyrolysis (Rock-Eval), Leco TOC, organic petrographic analysis including vitrinite reflectance (Ro, %), and X-ray diffraction mineralogy.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9KWH1NB

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