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How Hydrologic Connectivity Regulates Water Quality in River Corridors


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Harvey, J., Gomez-Velez, J., Schmadel, N., Scott, D., Boyer, E., Alexander, R., Eng, K., Kettner, A., Konrad, C., Moore, R., Pizzuto, J., Schwarz, G., Soulsby, C., and Choi, J., 2018. How hydrologic connectivity regulates water quality in river corridors, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12691


Abstract Downstream flow in rivers is repeatedly delayed by hydrologic exchange with off‐channel storage zones where biogeochemical processing occurs. We present a dimensionless metric that quantifies river connectivity as the balance between downstream flow and the exchange of water with the bed, banks, and floodplains. The degree of connectivity directly influences downstream water quality--too little connectivity limits the amount of river water exchanged and leads to biogeochemically inactive water storage, while too much connectivity limits the contact time with sediments for reactions to proceed. Using a metric of reaction significance based on river connectivity, we provide evidence that intermediate levels of connectivity, [...]


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Figure 2 - River connectivity, reaction Damköhler number, and potential reaction significance as a function of Strahler stream order for the approximately 184,000 river reaches of the Northeastern United States.JPG
“Figure 2 - see publication for more details”
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Figure 2 - see publication for more details
Figure 2 - see publication for more details


  • John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis




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DOI 10.1111/1752-1688.12691

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noteHarvey, J., Gomez-Velez, J., Schmadel, N., Scott, D., Boyer, E., Alexander, R., Eng, K., Kettner, A., Konrad, C., Moore, R., Pizzuto, J., Schwarz, G., Soulsby, C., and Choi, J., 2018. How hydrologic connectivity regulates water quality in river corridors, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12691

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