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Plot locations for "rat mark-recapture in rodenticide treatment and non-treatment plots, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, fall 2016 and spring 2017"


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Gill, N.S., Yelenik, S.G., Banko, P., Dixon, C., Jaennecke, K. and Peck, R., 2018, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park plant reproductive and rat abundance data 2016-2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This is a selected data set that outlines the plot areas used to assess the impacts of rodenticide treatment on black rat (Rattus rattus) abundance within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (HAVO). These data provide the spatial reference for a larger work describing the response of native species to rat control. Included are the corner boundaries for the 700x700 m (49 ha) study plots and each grid point/station within the centralized 300x300 m (9 ha) sub-plot at both the treatment and non-treatment site. Traps were placed 50 m apart, one at each station in the trapping grid, for a total of 49 traps in each of the sub-plots. The rodenticide treatment and native species monitoring were conducted using the entire 49 ha plot area at each [...]


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These data can be used to describe the locations used for rat abundance estimates and native plant monitoring at each of the two study sites. These are the only two known wild populations of the endangered plant species Hibiscidelphus giffardianus, thus we were interested in how rat removal would affect plant reproduction.



  • Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center



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