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Quality assurance data to evaluate the vertical accuracy of the bathymetric data for Sugar Creek Lake near Moberly, Missouri, 2018


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Richards, J.M., and Huizinga, R.J., 2019, Bathymetric and supporting data for Sugar Creek Lake near Moberly, Missouri, 2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Collection of bathymetric quality-assurance data in September 2018 at Sugar Creek Lake near Moberly, Missouri, used a marine-based mobile mapping unit that operates with several components: a multibeam echosounder (MBES) unit, an inertial navigation system (INS), and a data acquisition computer. Bathymetric quality-assurance data were collected using the MBES unit at 4 transects oriented perpendicular to the longitudinal transects of the bathymetric survey data. The resulting bathymetric dataset was minimally processed using filters in the HYPACK/HYSWEEP software ( to remove data spikes or erroneous points. The resulting bathymetric quality-assurance data set contained approximately 8.7 million points. The bathymetric [...]


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The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), Water Resource Center and Missouri’s Safe Drinking Water Program has the responsibility of assisting state residents in assuring an adequate and safe water supply. As a result, a water supply study has been ongoing to ensure availability of water information for effective decision-making by communities and MDNR program managers. One of the benefits of the study is to determine and allocate existing water supplies, with the scope of the study to addresses surface-water supplies for cities and communities that are expected to experience water shortages during an extended drought. Surface-water supplies consist of lakes and streams and in many cases combinations of both. Water supply lake bathymetric surveys are integral to the water availability assessments during potential water shortages.

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