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Base flow estimation via optimal hydrograph separation at CONUS watersheds and comparison to the National Hydrologic Model - Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System by HRU calibrated version


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Foks, S.S., Raffensperger, J.P., Penn, C.A., and Driscoll, J.M., 2019, Base flow estimation via optimal hydrograph separation at CONUS watersheds and comparison to the National Hydrologic Model - Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System by HRU calibrated version: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Optimal hydrograph separation (OHS) is a two-component, hydrograph separation method that uses a two-parameter, recursive digital filter (RDF) constrained via chemical mass balance to estimate the base flow contribution to a stream or river (Rimmer and Hartman, 2014; Raffensperger et al., 2017). A recursive digital filter distinguishes between high-frequency and low-frequency discharge data within a hydrograph, where high-frequency data corresponds to quick flow or storms and low-frequency data corresponds to base flow. The two parameters within the RDF are alpha and beta, both are unitless. Alpha is defined as the recession constant and typically found through recession analysis. For the purposes of this data release and study, we [...]

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The purpose of this dataset is to provide results from an application of optimal hydrograph separation (OHS) to over 1000 reference-quality stream gages in the conterminous United States. Another purpose is to provide results comparing with base flow-like output components from the NHM-PRMS by HRU calibrated version (Regan et al., 2018; Regan et al., 2019; Hay, 2019) to OHS base flow estimation. The goal is to provide an application example, methodology, and a base flow dataset at spatially distributed stream gages across the CONUS.


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DOI doi:10.5066/P9XF3C11

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