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Breeding bird species in peatland habitats, Seney NWR, 2007-2009


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Austin, J.E., 2019, Breeding bird species in peatland habitats, Seney NWR, 2007-2009: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The avian community of peatland habitats were surveyed along belt transects established in multiple units of Seney National Wildlife Refuge, representing peatland habitats dominated by a range of sedge to shrub cover at varying levels. Surveys were conducted during the 3-week period of mid-May to early June and again during mid-June-early July in three years (2007–2009). Three datasets are included here 1) data of presence/absence of breeding bird species detected in each 100-m segment of belt transects, 2) four-letter codes for bird species, and 3) environmental and land-cover attributes summarized for 200-m buffers around the bird-survey segments (100m x 100m), and number of years since each segment was burned, based on refuge fire [...]


Attached Files

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“Seney breeding birds environmental variables”
97.45 KB text/csv
“Seney Bird Codes”
3.12 KB text/csv
“Seney Bird Species Presence”
1.02 MB text/csv


The Seney National Wildlife Refuge encompasses large areas of sedge meadows and woody fens that are often subject to fire. Such peatlands provide important habitat for a diversity of bird species. These data were collected to examine how changes in bird community composition or species abundance may shift with changes in habitat conditions and as related to fire history. Resulting information will be useful to land managers to more directly assess the impact of potential management actions (e.g., prescribed burning, with issues of fire severity and periodicity) or long-term ecosystem changes (e.g., restoration of hydrology or climate change).

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9XGJC0W

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