Data sets for a quantitative dye tracer test conducted at the Savoy Experimental Watershed, November 13-December 2, 2017, Savoy, Arkansas
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Kuniansky, E.L., 2019, Data sets for a quantitative dye tracer test conducted at the Savoy Experimental Watershed, November 13-December 2, 2017, Savoy, Arkansas: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
These are the data sets in machine readable files from a quantitative dye tracer test conducted at Langle Spring November 13-December 2, 2017 as part of the USGS training class, GW2227 Advanced Field Methods in Karst Terrains, held at the Savoy Experimental Watershed, Savoy Arkansas. Langle Spring is NWIS site 71948218, latitude 36.11896886, longitude -94.34548871. One pound of RhodamineWT dye was injected into a sinking stream at latitude 36.116772 longitude -94.341883 NAD83 on November 13, 2017 at 22:50. The data sets include original fluorimeter data logger files from Langle and Copperhead Springs, Laboratory Sectra-fluorometer files from standards and grab samples, and processed input and output files from the breakthrough curve [...]
These are the data sets in machine readable files from a quantitative dye tracer test conducted at Langle Spring November 13-December 2, 2017 as part of the USGS training class, GW2227 Advanced Field Methods in Karst Terrains, held at the Savoy Experimental Watershed, Savoy Arkansas. Langle Spring is NWIS site 71948218, latitude 36.11896886, longitude -94.34548871. One pound of RhodamineWT dye was injected into a sinking stream at latitude 36.116772 longitude -94.341883 NAD83 on November 13, 2017 at 22:50. The data sets include original fluorimeter data logger files from Langle and Copperhead Springs, Laboratory Sectra-fluorometer files from standards and grab samples, and processed input and output files from the breakthrough curve analysis program Qtracer2 (Field, USEPA, 2002 EPA/600/R-02/001).
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Type: Citation
Kuniansky, E.L., Blackstock, J.M., Wagner, D.M., and Brahana, J.V., 2019, Interpretation of dye tracing data collected, November 13–December 2, 2017, at the Savoy Experimental Watershed for the Advanced Groundwater Field Techniques in Karst Terrains Course, Savoy, Arkansas: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019-5016.
Field, M.S., 2002, The QTRACER2 program for tracer-breakthrough curve analysis for tracer tests in karstic aquifers and other hydrologic systems: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA/600/R-02/001.
These data were collected as part of a course on conducting quantitative dye trace studies in karst terrain and provided information on times of travel in the karst system from the sinking stream to the spring. Additionally this test was conducted at very low flow in the system and proved that Copperhead Spring is in fact an overflow spring in watershed basin 1 at the Savoy Experimental Watershed as this is the first dye trace conducted at the sinking stream where dye did not flow to both Copperhead and Langle Springs.
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