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U.S. National Vegetation Classification (USNVC) Version 2.03


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USNVC (United States National Vegetation Classification) Database Ver 2.03. Federal Geographic Data Committee, Vegetation Subcommittee. Washington D.C. Date Month Year Accessed. To cite a specific type description: Author(s). publicationYear. Description Title [last revised revisionDate]. United States National Vegetation Classification. Federal Geographic Data Committee, Washington, D.C.


This database contains type descriptions for natural vegetation at all levels of the U.S. National Vegetation Classification. These descriptions were primarily written by NatureServe ecologists in collaboration with Federal Geographic Data Committee Vegetation Subcommittee and a wide variety of state, federal and private partners as a part of the implementation of the National Vegetation Classification. Formation descriptions were written by the Hierarchy Revisions Working Group. The descriptions are based on consultation with natural resource professionals, published literature, and other vegetation classification systems. The Ecological Society of America’s Panel on Vegetation Classification is responsible for managing the review [...]


Curator :
Alexa McKerrow
Provider :
Kristin Snow

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USNVC v2.03 export
“USNVC March 2019 Ver 2.03”
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NVC v2.03
“Source Data”
13.74 MB application/zip
NVC v2.03
“USNVC Ver 2.03 Database with Relationships”
20.08 MB application/zip


The United States Federal Geographic Data Committee (hereafter called the FGDC) is tasked to develop geospatial data standards that will enable sharing of spatial data among producers and users and support the growing National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), acting under the Office of Management Budget (OMB) Circular A-16 (OMB 1990, 2000) and Executive Order #12906 (Clinton 1994) as amended by Executive Order #13286 (Bush 2003). FGDC subcommittees and working groups, in consultation and cooperation with state, local, tribal, private, academic, and international communities, develop standards for the content, quality, and transferability of geospatial data. FGDC standards are developed through a structured process, integrated with one another to the extent possible, supportable by the current vendor community (but are independent of specific technologies), and publicly available.

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