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Crustal magnetic susceptibility model for the southern midcontinent


Publication Date


Phillips, J.D., and McCafferty, A.E., 2019, Crustal Architecture Beneath the Southern Midcontinent (USA) -- Data Grids and 3D Geophysical Models: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This 3D voxel model of magnetic susceptibility in GOCAD format was used to study crustal architecture beneath the Southern Midcontinent (USA) by McCafferty and others (2019). The study covered a rectangular, multi-state area of 924 by 924 kilometers centered on Missouri, and a corresponding volume extending from the topographic surface to a depth of 50 kilometers below sea level. The 3D voxel model describes the magnetic susceptibility of the crust as interpreted using 3D inversion. The masked version excludes magnetic susceptibilities in areas where the Precambrian basement surface elevations are unknown. The individual voxel elements are 2,000 by 2,000 meters by 500 meters thick. The GOCAD voxel (GRID3D or Voxet) file format is [...]


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

“Magnetic susceptibility model header file”
605 Bytes text/plain
“Magnetic susceptibility model data file”
83.05 MB application/x-authorware-bin
“Conceptual model and 3D Magnetic Susceptibility Model”
thumbnail 3.04 MB image/jpeg
“Masked magnetic susceptibility model header file”
611 Bytes text/plain
“Masked magnetic susceptibility model data file”
83.05 MB application/x-authorware-bin


The 3D voxel models were used to study crustal architecture beneath the Southern Midcontinent (USA) related to transport of ore-forming fluids from the upper mantle to shallow-levels within the Precambrian crust.
Conceptual model and 3D Magnetic Susceptibility Model
Conceptual model and 3D Magnetic Susceptibility Model


  • USGS Data Release Products


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