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William Edward Davies - USGS Field Notebook Collection


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William E. Davies, was born on December 24, 1917 in Cleveland, Ohio. He attended MIT in 1935 and graduated in 1939 with a degree in geology and a minor in geophysics. After graduating MIT, Davies attended a masters program at Michigan State University, recieving an M.S. in 1941. That same year, Davies entered U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a Secound Lieutenant. In August 1949 Davies joined the USGS as a member of the Military Geology Branch. In 1954, Davies sailed to Antarctica aboard the USS Atka for the purpose of selecting suitable sites for a U.S. research station during the International Geophysical Year. Over Davies career more than 200 titles were added to his bibliography. Davies received the Antarctic Medal for his outstanding [...]

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Data Owner :
U.S. Geological Survey
Photographer :
Davies, William E.

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Material Request Instructions

Public and USGS users may request access to physical and digital USGS field notebooks by contacting the USGS Library. 


Historically, USGS researchers recorded field observations in field notebooks, which USGS has collected and stored. These field notebooks continue to inform research and often include information about places and resources that may no longer be available or accessible for study. The USGS is digitizing the USGS field notebook collection to preserve the fragile paper media and expose the recorded information for further research.


This USGS product is considered to be in the U.S. public domain. For further information on the USGS Information Policies and Instructions, refer to the Copyrights and Credits section on this web page:
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