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Dissolved Pesticides in Weekly Water Samples from the NAWQA Regional Stream Quality Assessments (2013-2017)


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Morace, J.L., Nowell, L.H., Mahler, B.J., Sandstrom, M.W., Button, D.T., VanMetre, P.C., Medalie, L., and Bexfield, L.M., 2020, Dissolved Pesticides in Weekly Water Samples from the NAWQA Regional Stream Quality Assessments (2013-2017): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Dissolved pesticides were measured in weekly water samples from 482 wadeable streams in five regions of the United States during 2013-2017, as part of the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA). One study was conducted each year, starting with the Midwest (2013), followed by the Southeast Piedmont (2014), Pacific Northwest (2015), Northeast (2016), and Central California Coast (2017). Within each region, 77-100 streams were sampled over 6-14 weeks, followed by ecological surveys of fish, invertebrate and fish communities. The first study (Midwest) is an agricultural-gradient study, where the majority of sites were located along a gradient from undeveloped to 100% agricultural land within the watershed, [...]


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Table1_Data_Dictionary.txt 51.57 KB text/plain
Table2_Sites.txt 43.49 KB text/plain
Table3_Analyte_Info.txt 41.52 KB text/plain
Table4_MSQA_Pesticide_Data.txt 42.97 MB text/plain
Table5_SESQA_Pesticide_Data.txt 25.07 MB text/plain
Table6_PNSQA_Pesticide_Data.txt 59.15 MB text/plain
Table7_NESQA_Pesticide_Data.txt 23.85 MB text/plain
Table8_CSQA_Pesticide_Data.txt 37.88 MB text/plain
Table9_Blank_Data.txt 3.15 MB text/plain
Table10_Replicate_Data.txt 6.56 MB text/plain
Table11_Replicate_Summary.txt 16.99 KB text/plain
Table12_Spike_Data.txt 44.32 KB text/plain


This Data Release contains pesticide concentrations in weekly water samples from five regional studies conducted by the Regional Stream-Quality Assessment (RSQA) Project. The pesticide data in this Data Release represent one component of the RSQA studies, which are multistressor studies conducted by the USGS National Water Quality Assessment Project, National Water Quality Program. The purpose of the data collection was to characterize mixtures of currently used pesticides and their degradates in streams within each of the five regions; to screen these mixtures for potential aquatic toxicity by using a combination of aquatic-life benchmark comparisons and the Pesticide Toxicity Index; and to generate pesticide indicators for use as explanatory variables in ecological models.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9D2BDBY

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