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Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data Used in the Assessment of the Freshwater/Saline-Water Transition Zone within the Hueco Bolson, Fort Bliss Area, El Paso, Texas 2017-2019


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Payne, J.D., Teeple, A.P, and Ikard, S.J., 2020, Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data Used in the Assessment of the Freshwater/Saline-Water Transition Zone within the Hueco Bolson, Fort Bliss Area, El Paso, Texas 2017-2019, U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Declining groundwater levels in the Hueco Bolson have raised concerns about the amount of available groundwater and the potential for water-quality changes. Fresh groundwater stored in the aquifer is bordered by regions of brackish-to-saline groundwater, and as the water levels in the Hueco Bolson have declined the local and regional hydraulic gradients have been altered such that the brackish-to-saline groundwater regions have encroached upon and degraded the quality of the freshwater zones (Hibbs 1999; Heywood and Yager, 2003). To help delineate the freshwater and saline groundwater transition zone, 20 time-domain electromagnetic soundings were collected to provide resistivity structure data in the area. This dataset consists of [...]


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The purpose of this dataset is to present a geophysics-based delineation of the transition zone between freshwater and saline groundwater in the Hueco Bolson, an aquifer in an alluvium-floored basin. Descriptions of the measurement processes, pre-processing, inverse modeling, and post-processing of 20 time-domain electromagnetic soundings, measured near Fort Bliss, in El Paso County, Texas, are provided herein. The geophysical data and subsequent analysis methods were measured and completed, respectively, between 2017 and 2019, and are a component of the U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program (TAAP). The USGS is one of the many entities participating in TAPP; a complete overview of the TAPP is provided in Alley (2013). The objectives of the TAAP include: (1) developing and implementing an integrated scientific approach for identifying and assessing priority transboundary aquifers; (2) evaluating all available data and publications as part of the development of study plans for each priority transboundary aquifer; (3) creating or enhancing an existing geographic information system database to characterize the spatial and temporal aspects of each priority transboundary aquifer; and, (4) using field studies to expand on-going monitoring and metering efforts and to develop the additional data necessary to adequately define aquifer characteristics. This study attempts to conform to these broader goals of the TAAP by assessing the extent, availability, and movement of groundwater in the Hueco Bolson, and in developing internationally-shared information and scientific data sets that enable better estimation of groundwater quantity, quality, and sustainability, and therefore better management practices for the groundwater resources of this priority transboundary aquifer.



  • USGS Data Release Products
  • USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9VVJMHQ

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