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BLM FIAT Potential Ecosystem Resilience and Resistance in Sagebrush Habitat 2015 Integer Raster


A 30 meter integer grid representing ecosystem resilience and resistance in sagebrush habitat. “Resilience” and “resistance” to rangeland fire is the basis of the Fire and Invasive Assessment Tool (FIAT) analysis project. In simple terms, “resilience” is the ability of an area to recover from a disturbance, such as wildfire or drought. “Resistance” is the ability of an area of land to remain largely unchanged in the face of stress, disturbance, or invasive species. A resilient, resistant landscape will have integrity and be less susceptible to conversion to invasive annual grasses and landscape-scale, high-intensity fires and their effects. This raster was derived from the unique combinations of two datasets. The first dataset represents [...]

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sourceSystem urn:x-esri:specification:ServiceType:ArcIMS:Metadata:DocID {47D3773D-7BAA-460B-BF6D-00DA49F3B52D}

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