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BLM GRSG BER: Sagebrush, Pinyon-Juniper, and Conifer Interface (polygon)


Vectorized version of the raster model with the PJ and Conifer interface areas merged across the west. A raster model was developed to identify sagebrush land cover which is in close proximity to conifer land cover, thus suggesting a risk for conifer encroachment. To achieve this end product the following general steps were taken: 1. Extract sagebrush land cover types from GAP/ReGAP data. 2. Extract conifer land cover types (excluding those corresponding to pinyon, juniper, and pinyon-juniper) from GAP/ReGAP data. 3. Reclassify and add these raster datasets. 4. Conduct a focal statistics operation. 5. Multiply the above product by the extracted, reclassified sagebrush raster to identify sagebrush cells adjacent to conifer cells. 6. [...]

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sourceSystem urn:x-esri:specification:ServiceType:ArcIMS:Metadata:DocID {1B97B337-5BB0-4233-A6C0-FA1EC98FB1D7}

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