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Estimating environmental thresholds for three classes of sagebrush condition in the western United States (2001 – 2015)


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Boyte, S.P., Wylie, B.K., and Gu, Y., 2019, Estimating environmental thresholds for three classes of sagebrush condition in the western United States (2001 – 2015): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


We employed decision-tree mapping models in two formats to establish a time series (2001 - 2015) of sagebrush condition class in the western United States. The formats were predictive and descriptive, and each model produced distinct spatially explicit datasets. The predictive model mapped the probability of sagebrush recovery, tipping point (environmental degradation), or stable classes. The descriptive model mapped rules that were defined by environmental thresholds. The thresholds were defined by the interaction between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Mapping areas of stability and areas of change using machine-learning algorithms allows both the identification of dominant abiotic variables that drive ecosystem [...]


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The data were collected to develop mapping models that estimated sagebrush condition class in the western United States. The data provide an spatial prediction of sagebrush condition class and identify abiotic variables that influence sagebrush condition class. The data can be used to perform geospatial analysis and to understand the recent history of relative sagebrush condition in the western U.S.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P98WBAL4

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