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Digital maps of submarine landslides and mass wasting features offshore of southern California


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Papesh, A.G., Walton, M.L., Conrad, J.E., Brothers, D.S., Kluesner, J.W., and McGann, M.L., 2023, Digital maps of submarine landslides and mass wasting features offshore of southern California: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release provides the locations and certain key metrics of landslide features offshore southern California, including landslide perimeters, scarps, evacuation zones, debris aprons, and slide-prone areas in geographic information system (GIS) shapefile format. The offshore region of southern California is a tectonically active area that includes more than 20 fault-bounded basins and ridges that are subject to various types of mass-wasting and landslide processes. The collection of high-resolution seafloor mapping data offshore southern California, mostly within the last 25 years, provide a new data set that forms the basis for the identification and mapping of landslides and slide-related features throughout the offshore region. [...]

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“Southern California location map with bathymetry and mapped landslide features”
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ReferencesCited_offshore_socal_2023.pdf 79.35 KB application/pdf


These data were compiled as a part of a USGS effort to understand the geologic processes of mass wasting offshore of Southern California. It is intended to provide baseline knowledge of the geology, geomorphology, and distribution of discrete landslides offshore of Southern California, for use by scientists, managers, and the general public. These data can be used with geographic information system (GIS) software for research purposes.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9IIWTYL

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