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Landscape inputs and simulation output for the LANDIS-II model in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem


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Henne, P.D, Hawbaker, T.J., Scheller, R.M., Zhao, F., He, H.S., Xu, W. and Zhu, Z., 2020, Landscape inputs and simulation output for the LANDIS-II model in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release provides inputs needed to run the LANDIS-II landscape change model, NECN and Base Fire extensions for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), USA, and simulation results that underlie figures and analysis in the accompanying publication. We ran LANDIS-II simulations for 112 years, from 1988-2100, using interpolated weather station data for 1988-2015 and downscaled output from 5 general circulation models (GCMs) for 2016-2100. We also included a control future scenario with years drawn from interpolated weather station data from 1980-2015. Model inputs include raster maps (250 × 250 m grid cells) of climate regions and tables of monthly temperature and precipitation for each climate region. We provide initial conditions [...]


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To understand the consequences of climate change for temperate mountain forests, we used LANDIS-II to simulate interactions among climate, wildfire, tree species distributions, and their effects on regional carbon stocks in forests of the GYE. Simulations used historical climate and future potential climate represented by downscaled projections from five general circulation models (GCMs) that bracket the range of variability under the representative concentration pathway (RCP) 8.5 emissions scenario. We found that increasing area burned was the dominant limitation on forest carbon stocks in a warmer and drier climate. By 2100, simulated area burned increased by 26 – 214%, with the largest increases after 2050. Warming increased productivity by extending the growing season, especially near upper treeline, but did not offset biomass losses to fire. The timing of a transition from carbon sink to source varied among GCMs and was delayed under GCMs with large increases in summer precipitation. However, warming >3 °C in mean annual temperature increased the frequency of large fires and resulted in a 10 – 35% reduction in aboveground biomass relative to vegetation simulated under the historical climate. Increasing fire size limited seed dispersal, and reductions in soil moisture limited seedling establishment; both effects will likely constrain long-term forest regeneration and carbon uptake. The GYE is likely to remain a viable terrestrial carbon sink through 2050. During this period, warming may enhance productivity in temperature-limited subalpine forests. However, the GYE will likely have diminishing capacity to sequester carbon after 2050 due to climate-driven increases in fire frequency, and limitations on seedling establishment.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P94IA5B3

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