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All available data for Sergeant et al. 2020, A classification of streamflow patterns across the coastal Gulf of Alaska


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Sergeant, C.J., 2020, All available data for Sergeant et al. 2020, A classification of streamflow patterns across the coastal Gulf of Alaska: Wiley: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This .zip file contains four products that will allow users to recreate the analyses and spatial data figures used in Sergeant et al. 2020, A classification of streamflow patterns across the coastal Gulf of Alaska: 1) Autoclass input and output files (provided as folders with multiple simple text files), 2) Classification data (.csv file) for individual watersheds, including Fundamental Daily Streamflow Statistics, landcover variables, and class membership, 3) Esri map package (.mpk file) that will allow users to recreate Figures 3 and 5 using ArcGIS and extract basic watershed-scale data such as watershed ID, drainage area, primary class assignment, and primary class membership probability (for users interested in extracting more [...]


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The data were collected to categorize coastal streamflow patterns in 4,140 watersheds bordering the Gulf of Alaska. Many uses for these data exist, including those the original authors may have not foreseen. Basic usage includes viewing streamflow classification and landcover for single or multiple watersheds of interest. Sergeant et al. 2020 describes in greater detail potential applications of these data to applied questions in the aquatic sciences, including ecology, fisheries, and hydrology.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9BHITX2

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