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Chesapeake and Delaware Basin Combined Files


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Hopkins, K.G., Ahmed, L., Metes, M.J., Claggett, P.R., Lamont, S., and Noe, G.B, 2020, Geomorphometry for Streams and Floodplains in the Chesapeake and Delaware Watersheds: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset contains geomorphometry for streams and floodplains in the Chesapeake and Delaware River watersheds derived from processing 3-m DEMs through the Floodplain and Channel Evaluation Tool (FACET) version 0.1.0. Geomorphometry is a quantitative representation of landscape surface form (e.g., channel width and depth) obtained from digital elevation models (DEMs). The Chesapeake and Delaware Basin Combined Files are an aggregated version of the individual HUC8/10 files. Combined basin-wide files are provided for the stream network, floodplain extent, and select stream and floodplain geomorphic metrics.


Attached Files

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FACET Data Dictionary for ChesDelaMerged.pdf
“Data Dictionary for Chesapeake and Delaware Basin Combined Files”
77.81 KB application/pdf
“FACET Merged Output”
513.24 MB application/zip


These data were generated to map stream and floodplain geomorphic characteristics within the Chesapeake and Delaware River watersheds. These datasets were collected to inform modeling to quantify the amount of sediment and nutrients trapped on floodplains or eroded from streambanks in the Chesapeake and Delaware River watersheds. This information will enhance our understanding of the services that floodplains provide to people living in the Chesapeake and Delaware River watersheds.

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