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Site information, basin characteristics, annual peak-flow data through the 2013 water year, results of flood-frequency analysis, and results of Bayesian weighted least-squares / Bayesian generalized least-squares (B-WLS/B-GLS) regression analysis of regional skew of annual peak flow data for 183 streamgages operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in parts of hydrologic unit 02 in eastern New York and Pennsylvania and the surrounding states of Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia


Publication Date
End date of annual peak flows used in study


Wagner, D.M., and Veilleux, A.G., 2021, Regional flood skew for parts of the mid-Atlantic region (hydrologic unit 02) in eastern New York and Pennsylvania: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset contains annual peak-flow data through the 2013 water year, specification and output files from flood-frequency analysis of the annual peak-flow data in USGS PeakFQ software, and a comma-separated values (.csv) file containing site information, basin characteristics, results of flood-frequency analysis, and results of B-WLS/B-GLS analysis of skewness of the annual peak flows from 183 streamflow gaging stations (streamgages) operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in parts of hydrologic unit 02 in eastern New York and Pennsylvania and the surrounding states of Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia. Annual peak-flow data (.txt) files, specification (.psf) files for use in [...]


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Information in the files provided in this data release were used to estimate regional regional flood skew for parts of the mid-Atlantic region (hydrologic unit 02) using annual peak-flow data from 183 USGS streamgages in parts of eastern New York and Pennsylvania and the surrounding states of Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. The data are provided as a public service such that results of the study can be reproduced.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9PGAL0D

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