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Lithium Occurrences and Processing Facilities of Argentina, and Salars of the Lithium Triangle, Central South America


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Mihalasky, M.J., Briggs, D.A., Baker, M.S., Jaskula, B.W., Cheriyan, K., and DeLoach-Overton, S.W., 2020, Lithium Occurrences and Processing Facilities of Argentina, and Salars of the Lithium Triangle, Central South America: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The "Li_Triangle_ARG_MRP_NMIC.gdb" geospatial database was developed by the U.S. Geological Survey for use in a geographic information system (GIS) to support mineral resource research and assessment of lithium resources in the Argentina portion of the central South American Lithium Triangle. The Lithium Triangle is host to significant amounts (nearly 60%) of the worlds known (identified) resources of lithium. Over 100 salars and lagunas, ranging in area from a few square kilometers (km2) to approximately 9,000 km2, are found within this region. The Lithium Triangle is approximately 400,000 km2 and encompasses about 150 internal drainage basins in northwestern Argentina, western Bolivia, northern Chile, and southern-most Peru. This [...]


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Lithium Triangle Salars.jpg
“Lithium Triangle salars.”
thumbnail 1.47 MB image/jpeg
Argentina Lithium Occurrences and Facilites.jpg
“Argentina lithium occurrences and facilitiess”
thumbnail 1.19 MB image/jpeg
“Metadata ASCII text format, zipped”
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“Metadata xml format, zipped”
8.2 KB application/x-7z-compressed
“Geodatabase, zipped”
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The purpose of this occurrence and salar inventory is to better understand the variation within and between prospects and economic deposits of lithium, with the goal of developing better descriptive and quantitative mineral deposit-type models and mineral resource assessment methodologies. It also provides a visual format of the geography and geology of this area and access to relevant geospatial data and geographic resources.
Argentina lithium occurrences and facilitiess
Argentina lithium occurrences and facilitiess


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  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9RLUH4F

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