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Data release for phenocam analysis subset associated with the journal article "Solar and sensor geometry, not vegetation response, drive satellite NDVI phenology in widespread ecosystems of the western United States"


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Norris, J.R., and Walker, J.J., 2020, Data release associated with the journal article "Solar and sensor geometry, not vegetation response, drive satellite NDVI phenology in widespread ecosystems of the western United States": U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset provides calculated camera-NDVI data for individual regions-of-interest (ROI's) for the phenocam named 'GRCA1PJ' (part of the Phenocam Network, The GRCA1PJ phenocam is within a pinyon-juniper woodland in Grand Canyon National Park. Camera-NDVI refers to a modified version of NDVI calculated by the phenopix package (Filippa et al., 2016). The camera-calculated NDVI data are in the folder FinalOutput. File attributes within that folder are described in detail in the entity and attribute information section of this metadata. It should be possible for the user to use only the ROI definitions, image data downloaded from the phenocam network, and the phenopix R-package to reproduce the final [...]


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Fig_4_RoiWithLabels.jpg thumbnail 738.97 KB image/jpeg
Fig_7_PhenocamCurves.JPG thumbnail 153.61 KB image/jpeg 79.95 MB application/zip


These camera-NDVI data were used to ground-truth patterns of winter-peaking NDVI phenology found by satellite data in ecosystems in the western United States. Expected uses of the data include 1) using the output NDVI datasets to explore phenological patterns of specific areas of interest in greater detail. 2) Using the code and datasets to test, modify, or replicate results of the associated publication. 3) Modifying the code to extend the phenological curves beyond the period of record contained in the associated publication.
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