Geomorphometry for Hydrologic Unit 0205030106 (FACET version 0.1.0)
Publication Date
Hopkins, K.G., Ahmed, L., Metes, M.J., Claggett, P.R., Lamont, S., and Noe, G.B, 2020, Geomorphometry for Streams and Floodplains in the Chesapeake and Delaware Watersheds: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
Geomorphometry for Streams and Floodplains in the Chesapeake and Delaware Watersheds was generated as part of the project Quantifying Floodplain Ecological Processes and Ecosystem Services in the Delaware River Watershed funded through the William Penn Foundation' Delaware Watershed Research fund. This dataset contains geomorphometry for streams and floodplains in the Chesapeake and Delaware River watersheds. Geomorphometry is a quantitative representation of landscape surface form (e.g., channel width and depth) obtained from digital elevation models (DEMs). The dataset contains geomorphometry derived from running 3-m DEMs through the Floodplain and Channel Evaluation Tool (FACET) version 0.1.0. FACET generates shapefiles and rasters [...]
Geomorphometry for Streams and Floodplains in the Chesapeake and Delaware Watersheds was generated as part of the project Quantifying Floodplain Ecological Processes and Ecosystem Services in the Delaware River Watershed funded through the William Penn Foundation' Delaware Watershed Research fund. This dataset contains geomorphometry for streams and floodplains in the Chesapeake and Delaware River watersheds. Geomorphometry is a quantitative representation of landscape surface form (e.g., channel width and depth) obtained from digital elevation models (DEMs). The dataset contains geomorphometry derived from running 3-m DEMs through the Floodplain and Channel Evaluation Tool (FACET) version 0.1.0. FACET generates shapefiles and rasters of the stream network, cross sections, streambank point locations, floodplain extent, height above nearest drainage (HAND), and reach-scale summaries of bank height, channel width, floodplain width, and a suite of other metrics outlined in the data dictionary. These data were generated to aid in modeling the amount of sediment and nutrients trapped on floodplains or eroded from streambanks in the Chesapeake and Delaware River watersheds.
Files are organized into folders by hydrologic unit code (HUC) for subbasins within the Chesapeake and Delaware watersheds. Each folder contains the following files within the main folder and a sub folder called "post processing."
XXXX folder, where XXXX is a 4-digit HUC:
Main [folder_name] files, where “folder name” is an 8- or 10-digit HUC:
Each file and associated attributes are described in the data dictionary listed in the Attached Files section. Merged files spanning the entire area of analysis are included within the Child Item page called Chesapeake and Delaware Basin Combined Files. The combined files include a shapefile with the stream network and the floodplain extent, as well as a post-proccessing table with select stream and floodplain metrics.
These data were generated to map stream and floodplain geomorphic characteristics within the Chesapeake and Delaware River watersheds and to inform modeling to quantify the amount of sediment and nutrients trapped on floodplains or eroded from streambanks in the Chesapeake and Delaware River watersheds. This information will enhance our understanding of the services that floodplains provide to people living in the Chesapeake and Delaware River watersheds.