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Surveyed peak-stage elevations, coordinates, and indicator data of strandlines from large floods on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Data for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2021-5048: Strandlines from large floods on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona


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Sabol, T.A., Griffiths, R.E., Topping, D.J., Mueller, E.R., Tusso, R.B., and Hazel, Jr., J.E., 2021, Surveyed peak-stage elevations, coordinates, and indicator data of strandlines from large floods on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


These data provide a comprehensive survey of peak-stage indicators along the Colorado River corridor between river mile (RM) 0 and RM 87 (see Figure 1 in the associated USGS-SIR). In 2008, the locations of peak-stage indicators in three short reaches downstream from RM 87 were measured using a handheld GPS unit (see Appendix 1 in the associated USGS-SIR). Total-station measurements were made using an established network of survey control that references the 2011 realization of NAD83 (NAD83 (2011)) (Kaplinski and others, 2017). The measurements were projected into the State Plane Coordinate System of 1983, Arizona central zone (FIPS zone 0202). Vertical positions are provided in both NAD83 ellipsoid heights and in NAVD88 orthometric [...]


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“Figure 4. (A) elevation of each strandline and (B) idealized cross-section.”
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The purpose of these data are to provide the locations and elevations of peak-stage indicators data between the Colorado River at Lees Ferry, AZ, gaging station and the Colorado River near Grand Canyon, AZ, gaging station. Also, these data document the locations and elevations of strandlines that record the peak stages of large historical floods over long reaches of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP). This comprehensive data set, along with the associated USGS-SIR (see Larger Work Citation), allows for the verification of model-predicted flood stage along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park.


The author(s) of these data request that data users contact them regarding intended use and to assist with understanding limitations and interpretation. Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.
Figure 4. (A) elevation of each strandline and (B) idealized cross-section.
Figure 4. (A) elevation of each strandline and (B) idealized cross-section.



  • USGS Data Release Products
  • USGS Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC)



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9GIQ9ZN

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