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SoilGRIDs Soil Electric Conductivity, 0-15 cm average, for the Conterminous US


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Chambers, S.N., and Duniway, M.C., 2020, SoilGRIDs Soil Electric Conductivity, 0-15 cm average, for the Conterminous US.


A raster dataset representing the electric conductivity (EC) of surface soil horizons (top 15 cm or ~6 inches) in the conterminous United States. Increasing soil EC is correlated with increasing soil salt content which is referred to as soil salinity. High levels of soil salinity can only be tolerated by salt-tolerant plants, can interfere with the growth of non-salt tolerant plants, and make reclamation or restoration challenging. This dataset was created using the soil electric conductivity 100-meter spatial resolution predictive rasters for 0, 5, and 15 cm depths developed by Ramcharan (et al. 2018). The average soil EC over the top 15 cm in dS/m was calculated using the trapezoidal rule, and then put into 7 classes representing [...]


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identify soil_salinity /se_soil_salinity.json

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  • Soil Electrical Conductivity (0-15 cm)

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