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Chemical and biological exposure bioassay data from sediment collected within the Grand Calumet River, Indiana, USA


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Dorman, R.A., Steevens, J.A., Besser, J.M., and Sparks, D.W., 2020, Chemical and biological exposure bioassay data from sediment collected within the Grand Calumet River, Indiana, USA: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The Grand Calumet River (GCR), located in northern Indiana, is contaminated due to a wide range of historical industrial activities. Short-term and long-term sediment exposure bioassays with the amphipod Hyalella azteca, the midge Chironomus dilutus, and the mussel Lampsilis siliquoidea were conducted with samples collected in 2013, 2015, and 2017, from up to 26 sites, including both remediated, non-remediated and relatively uncontaminated reference sites. The responses (survival, growth, reproduction and/or emergence) of test organisms to the exposure bioassays are presented here.


Attached Files

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Amphipod reproduction.txt 10.29 KB text/plain
Midge days to emergence.txt 14.99 KB text/plain
Midge emergence.txt 2.34 KB text/plain
PAH_PCB_Metals_TOC_Analysis.txt 58.48 KB text/plain
Sediment particle size.txt 3.98 KB text/plain
Sites.txt 3.48 KB text/plain
Survival and Growth.txt 45.93 KB text/plain


Data were generated to determine the influence of sediment remediation within the GCR on concentrations of chemical contaminants and toxicity to sediment-dwelling organisms. The biological and chemical data were used to evaluate the toxicity of remediation areas to aquatic organisms and to evaluate the effectiveness of past remediation efforts. Also, the data can be used to evaluate and consider any future ongoing contamination that may have occurred after remediation efforts ceased.



  • Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC)
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9XIDHOV

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