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Soil microbes surrounding native and non-native Phragmites australis in the Great Lakes and East Coast of the United States (2015-2017 survey) (ver. 1.1, December 2020)


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Bickford, W.A., Zak, D.R., Kowalski, K.P., Snow, D.S., Dwortz, M.F., and Goldberg, D.E., 2020, Soil microbes surrounding native and non-native Phragmites australis in the Great Lakes and East Coast of the United States (2015-2017 survey) (ver. 1.1, December 2020): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


To determine the differences in soil microbial community composition between native and non-native lineages of Phragmites, we sampled soils from eight sites in the Great Lakes basin where populations of native and non-native Phragmites co-occurred. In addition, we included samples of soils from 27 populations of Phragmites across the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coasts of the US. Samples were collected between July 2015 and September 2017. At each site in the Great Lakes, we sampled rhizosphere and bulk soil surrounding one ramet of each lineage. Samples from Atlantic and Gulf coasts were collected by homogenizing rhizosphere soils from multiple ramets of one population within a single lineage. DNA was extracted from soils and fungal, [...]


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allbac_tax.csv 12.5 MB text/csv
bac_alpha.csv 93.1 KB text/csv
env_data.csv 45.16 KB text/csv
fun_alpha.csv 23.45 KB text/csv
fun_tax.csv 2.16 MB text/csv
funguild.csv 3.81 MB text/csv
oom_alpha.csv 18.38 KB text/csv
oom_tax.csv 168.02 KB text/csv
otu_bac.txt 69.9 MB text/plain
otu_fun.txt 3.99 MB text/plain
otu_oom.txt 288.89 KB text/plain
Rarefaction_bac.txt 9.14 MB text/plain
Rarefaction_fun.txt 3.84 MB text/plain
Rarefaction_oom.txt 318.62 KB text/plain
leco_corporation_cns_2000_brochure.pdf 64 KB application/pdf
library-preparation-circulating-cell-free-dna-application-note.pdf 603.53 KB application/pdf
G2938-90321_SensitivityDNA_KG_EN.pdf 6.01 MB application/pdf
SEQ100005_Kapa_LibQuant_SS_r_SinglePage_NoCrops.pdf 1.73 MB application/pdf
sequalprep_platekit_man.pdf 100.21 KB application/pdf
phusion-dna-polymerases-labaid.pdf 73.33 KB application/pdf
F-065432 quantit htp_FLR.pdf 273.18 KB application/pdf
BR51530-nanodrop-family-brochure.pdf 1.54 MB application/pdf
HB-2253-002_HB_DNY_PowerLyzer_PowerSoil_0120_WW.pdf 481.46 KB application/pdf
ReleaseHistory_20201205.txt 806 Bytes text/plain


These data were collected to examine soil microbial community differences between the native and non-native lineages of Phragmites australis. Previous studies have found differences in rhizosphere bacterial communities in native and non-native Phragmites populations on the east and west coasts of the US. This data set explores whether similar relationships exist in populations of the Great Lakes Region and whether similar relationships exist in the fungal and oomycete communities of the rhizosphere.



  • Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC)
  • USGS Data Release Products



Revision 1.1 by Wesley Bickford on December 28, 2020. To review the changes that were made, see ReleaseHistory_20201205.txt in the attached files section.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9HP8UXZ

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