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Map of landslide structures and kinematic elements at Barry Arm, Alaska in the summer of 2020


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Coe, J.A., Wolken, G.J., Daanen, R.P., and Schmitt, R.G., 2021, Map of landslide structures and kinematic elements at Barry Arm, Alaska in the summer of 2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Two active landslides at and near the retreating front of Barry Glacier at the head of Barry Arm Fjord in southern Alaska (Figure 1) could generate tsunamis if they failed rapidly and entered the water of the fjord. Landslide A, at the front of the glacier, is the largest, with a total volume estimated at 455 M m3 (Dai et al, 2020). Historical photographs from Barry Arm indicate that Landslide A initiated in the mid twentieth century, but there was a large pulse of movement between 2010 and 2017 when Barry Glacier thinned and retreated from about 1/2 of the toe of Landslide A (Dai et al., 2020). The glacier has continued to retreat since 2017. Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) investigations of the area between May [...]


Attached Files

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“Figure 1. Map showing Landslides A and B at the head of Barry Arm, Alaska.”
thumbnail 738.71 KB image/jpeg
“Figure 2. Map of landslide structures and kinematic elements.”
75.51 MB application/pdf
“Map of landslide structures and kinematic elements.”
thumbnail 10.64 MB image/jpeg
“Figure 3. Map showing the relation between landslides and kinematic elements.”
thumbnail 611.89 KB image/jpeg

“GIS Data”
1.94 GB application/zip


This map contributes to an ongoing assessment of potential tsunami hazards from subaerial landslides at Barry Arm. Map data include structures (i.e., normal faults, strike-slip faults, thrust faults, cracks, etc.) created by landslide movement, kinematic elements defined by structures, and debris-flow deposits. The landslide structures and kinematic elements shown on this map may be used to: monitor future landslide movement and evolution; interpret landslide failure sequences, volumes, and mechanisms; and distinguish areas of extension and compression, and moving and non-moving ground. The map could form at least a partial basis for discriminating multiple volume scenarios in tsunami modeling efforts (for example, a separate scenario for each kinematic element).
Map of landslide structures and kinematic elements.
Map of landslide structures and kinematic elements.


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DOI doi:10.5066/P9EUCGJQ

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